Religion was always an underlying, ever present force that occupied my subconscious. My father was raised Roman Catholic, my mother Mennonite. Despite this, my brother and I were both baptized United. While my family was never practicing (and my father and brother identifying more as atheists), faith still played a role. Whether it was bizarre “God lives here” ornaments hanging from our walls or the copies of “Babies First Bible” that both me and my brother own. The odd religious symbolism paired with my family's indifference to the subject caused a somewhat of an internal debate in myself. A craving for information but with no access to any proper source created a fear in myself over what the answers could be. I knew enough to wonder but the existential fear of the concept of a heaven or hell rendered the subject a personal taboo.

Now, More grown, I've decided to once again explore my strange relationship with faith through a visual medium. The story of Cain and Abel was the story that interested me the most. I view the idea of good and evil as a sort of parallel to my internal conflict of faith. The good and  innocent faith of Abel vs the unfaithfulness of Cain, My skeptical view of religion as a construct vs my uneasiness towards existential fear of God.